The Day For Magazine Covers

Jay-Z is on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine

Alicia Keys is on the cover of Entertainment Weekly and discusses her reasons for being a closed-book:

“Ever since I was little, I always felt like if people knew about me, they’d be able to use it against me. I’ve just always been like, ‘If you don’t know about me, there’s nothing you can say to destroy or hurt me.’ So, moving into a career where people are always prying, my instinct has always been to close up. I discovered a lot about myself I didn’t like. I would look in the mirror, and I didn’t know who that person was. I didn’t like my eyes; I didn’t like what they said. I couldn’t sleep. I was uncomfortable all the time, and irritated and frustrated.”

Actress Elise Neal is on the cover and featured in the November Hollywood issue of King Magazine.

The self-proclaimed bad girl Rihanna gets all wet on the cover of the December issue of FHM Mexico.