“Harlem Heights,” ( BET's attempt of the black version of "The Hills") is an upcoming reality show following a group of young college-educated professionals living and working in the New York neighborhood. To supposedly set the show apart from MTV's "The Hills", BET president stated that most of the "Harlem Heights" cast members either knew each other, or knew the show's creators and producers. Among the cast is Brooke Crittendon, a former assistant at MTV and ex-girlfriend of Kanye West.
During Saturday morning's Q&A session, Brooke tried to keep her famous ex-boyfriend a secret, apparently unaware that the room full of TV critics were all on laptop computers connected to wi-fi and a click away from Wikipedia. She explained that her reason for doing the show was to repair some of the tabloid damage she endured during her relationship with West. "I was involved with a very famous rapper for a number of years," she said. "And I worked in the news and documentary department (at MTV). So a lot of our pop news involved myself. But because I sort of played the background to the person that I was dating, I had to go through people saying things about me or just sort of assuming who I was... I just was like, 'I just want to let people know what I really am and what I really do. I’m not just this person’s girlfriend.'”